About GOOS-E®
The idea for GOOS-E® came to life during a short illness of my wife. We were looking for a solution to stay in touch with family and friends via the iPad. A handy holder flexible enough to watch in a comfortable position and without hands & cramps. From the bed. But also from the couch etcetera. A safe and flexible solution to match the beautiful iPad appeared to be non-existent. The idea for GOOS-E® was born.
My wife has fortunately recovered, and our daughter Lisa is now one of many GOOS-E® fans .. 🤗.
The name GOOS-E®
GOOS-E® is pronounced “goezie”. It is a reference to the highly flexible neck, called “gooseneck”, and the quirky goose.
Meanwhile, our “goose” has flown out to many people and companies at home and abroad. And it is used daily: privately, professionally and also increasingly in the care sector.
We regularly receive nice messages from happy users. Sometimes with new handy applications. Something we are quite proud of.
Our mission
Our lives are becoming increasingly digital. A good and comfortable connection is therefore crucial. It is our mission to connect people optimally and pleasantly. Family, friends, customers and colleagues. Via iPad, tablet or phone.
With maximum comfort, convenience & above all fun.
Just the way you like it 🙏🏻.